Holistic Health Programme
Holistic Health Programme
Holistic Health Framework
Health has always been an important aspect of a child’s holistic development. Cedar Primary School’s holistic health framework focuses on how we develop the whole child to be health conscious and knowledgeable on how to eat healthy, stay healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. We aim our efforts at six pillars of health promotion. They are:
1. Knowledge and Skills Acquisition
We work closely with HPB to develop structures and bring in experts to impart valuable knowledge and skills in our students through programmes such as Healthy Meals in School Programme and Active Kids Programme. We also look at inculcating our students, through the Clean Plate Campaign, the habit of mindful eating to ensure that they understand the impact of food wastage on environment and the society.
2. Self-Initiated Physical Activities
Students are highly encouraged to take part in the Unstructured Play Programme during recess. In this programme, they will be able to loan any equipment of their choice and engage in active play either individually or with their peers.
3. Parental Involvement
We look at conducting health talks for parents and sharing tips on how they can develop lasting partnership with their children in their weight management journey. Such sharing helps the parents to address some of the misconceptions they might have with regard to their children’s health as well as weight management.
4. Medical Screening
Every year, we work closely with School Health Services under the HPB for the Health Screening Programme. This programme allows us to gather invaluable information on students’ health status. The relevant information is shared with the teachers so that we are able to look into the safety of our students in school and beyond, especially during Learning Journeys and overseas trips. On top of this, students with weight management issues will go for further assessment at the HPB HQ. Their progress will be closely monitored to help them attain the physical fitness level and lead an active lifestyle.